Production server security and backups

What is your best method to do the database backups (within the project ? Cron ? Server Tools, Remote scripts ?, other ? ) ???

What is your best practice to protect the database and code from malware, injections, garbage date etc… ?

I Use a mysql Database. At midnight I stop mysql-service, make a copy of all files o anoher location. Copying is a task of 5 minutes. Then I save my backup files with FTP to a save server. All data is consistent and the users only have 5 minutes where the database is offline… For me and my customers it wörks.


Databases require any kind of backup method especially those in production. But I get a feeling that you refer to your development environment. You can use a regular database for storing your projects, but standard Scriptcase comes with SQLite. I would recommend to do a full dump of the SC folder so that you can revert back on any problem (simply XCopy or use a backup tool). If you have your specs in i.e. MYSQL then you need to backup that separately. As Pfeiffer writes, you have to shutdown the database before backup or use the backup tools of that database.

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No I am refering to the production server. I know there are several methods running server backups but I am asking what users use for SC projects ? not so much what’s possible. Another words - what is practical and efficient (in case of a disaster). I am also unsure how to handle all uploaded files (via SC forms). I am looking for all-in-one solution

A SC project that runs on the server is a PHP application as any other. So there is no difference in performing a backup as if you were running a traditional PHP application. There are no special tools involved, the regular will do.

I use Navicat.
Has scheduled backup options and is very reliable.

I utilize a secondary storage drive that is local to my system. Whenever modifications are made to the applications, I perform a complete backup of the Netmake folder from the development server to this drive. Prior to initiating the backup process, I ensure that the backup and tmp folders within the wwwroot/scriptcase directory are cleaned up.