Project Import / Export

Using a Linux Server and a browser on Win7 - separate machines

Export application writes its file to the server (Linux box) BUT Import is looking to the client filesystem IWin 7) when trying to read.

Import and export must be consistent ie BOTH must use either the server file system or the client filesystem. Server and client are not always the same box.

I never saw other way. When you export SC offers you the download link. And to import a project, you have to upload a project file. Don’t understand the problem.

I move to suggestions.

I see why you moved it. The export is awkward / deficient - there should be a save as dialog for this process.
In fact, there needs to be a simple utility to copy directly from an existing project on the same scriptcase instance.
(If it currently exists, it is well hidden)

AFAIK is not possible right now. When you export, a download buttn is shown t download it. When you import, always ask for an upload. If its possible is unknown for me too. But its a good suggestion

It’s the way webapplications work and scriptcase is a webapplication. If your instance is on a host I for sure wouldn’t allow to select directories etc. The download works well and you can always perform a full backup.

What Sean say, is, because SC stores backups on backup folder, a way to mport from there instead to upload it