put filters parameters in report pdf

I want to put 2 parametersa in pdf report , which use in the filter(2 dates).
How is it done?


Re: put filters parameters in report pdf


I’m not sure if I understood you correctly, but you could set two global variables on another application.


[globalVariable] = “some value”;
[anotherVariable] = {someField};

then call the PDF Report application, and use those variables.

Or you could simply set a search to the application.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Re: put filters parameters in report pdf

I understand you but i need more information. Now i explain my problem:

-I want to show in the report pdf 2 parameters(2 dates),which I use to filter and to do the search( I put 2 dates and depending these dates, the report will show the infomation adequate)

Ex: I want to show the birthday date the month april of 2012 in my report, so i write in the filter : 01/04/2012 - 30/04/2012.

Currently i am doing so:
In tab PDF report:
-I have created the field t named PERIODO.
-In the event onRecord I have: {periodo}=[global_fecha1]." - ".[global_fecha2];

In tab search-event -OnscriptInit i have:

Here i have the problem because i don’t know what to put in {field?}. How do I know which is the name the fields that i use in the filter to do the search?


Re: put filters parameters in report pdf

I have the solution :slight_smile:

Can you share the solution please