Questions about Grids in SC ..

Hello …
1- Order by not working when i make group by, any solution for this?
2- I want my client to name the report manually, so when he chose a grid text field appears asking him about the report name, after submitting the entered text shown on the grid header.
3- I have a field in a form {Link} and i want to show the link in a grid as icon instead of http:// link it is so ugly and stretch the grid.
4- When i add a button to the grid i can see it but the button can not be show when you click on grid (Detail). anyone know how to solve this problem?

Thanks for your help.

Any ideas?

  1. Order from your SQL maybe
  2. there is a macro for this, check web help
  3. Overwrite field content onRecord returning an a+img tag
  4. can you elaborate it? don’t understand. If its a grid as detail on a master/detail then you have to enable a new option on Master detail link

Thank you so much Giu, Appreciate your help …

1- I already did that in my SQL, not working.
2- I am going to search for the macro you mentioned.
3- i would be grateful if you could help me and share some details.
4- No i am not talking about master/detail, I mean the detail module.