Quick Search breaks if sc_select_where(add) is used

This is semi-related to my post Issue-with-sc_select_where(add)-on-a-query-containing-a-sub-query

That issue was fixed by SC not allowing you to choose virtual fields for Quick Search. Fair enough.

Now that I have a View, so that the fields I want quick searched are not virtual anymore, I have encountered what I believe to be a bug.

The grid in question basically opens the view using the main SQL as:

FROM view_tbltimesheets

However, the only people that should get this unfiltered view are users of group “Administrator”. All other users (group of “Users”) have a WHERE dynamically added so they can only see the records they have created (The “User” column is also hidden from normal users). This is done in the grid’s onScripInit event:

// Hide/show a field
if ([ugroup] == 'Administrator') {    
    sc_field_display({User}, 'on');   // Display field
} else {						      
    sc_field_display({User}, 'off');  // Hide field
    // Only show user's recs when not an admin
    sc_select_where(add) = "WHERE User = '" . [usr_login] . "' ";

When I use quick search when logged in as an administrator everything works as one would hope. However, if I am logged in as a normal user and try a quick search, I get an error (similar to that in the previous post) - see picture:

I believe that SC malforms the query for the quick search when a “WHERE” clause has been added by the sc-select_where(add) macro. The SQL debug option does not show me the SQL that quick search generates so I cannot see exactly where the generated query fails.

As an experiment I commented out the sc-select_where(add) and manually added the WHERE to the grid’s main SQL. In that case the quick search works fine. This means I can workaround it (I believe) by using a global variable in the main SQL to do what I need, but I think it still highlights there is a bug.

EDIT: Ok - last paragraph suggested workaround fails - you can’t add a global variable into the main SQL - so it does look like you have no choice but to use the sc_select_where(add) macro - in which case this bug does halt me.



Really the problem happens, the bug was reported to our development team for they correct it.
When solved, will include it in update release.

Thanks for your observation.

Best regard,
Netmake team

Thanks Artur

Artur, any news?

Using 8.00.0047 the bug is still present

Any News Artur?

[QUOTE=robydago;37993]Artur, any news?

Using 8.00.0047 the bug is still present[/QUOTE]

Using 8.1 the bug is still present