Quick search lower case/ upper case problem !!


In a form app suppose a text field with case setting upper case. Fields and tables collation in db is utf8_bin and also in connection .

if you type something in quick search area in lower case, it doesn’t find but well in upper case only
if you change collation of this field to utf8_unicode_ci, quick search works typing in lower and upper case ???

I need my field stay in utf8_bin and quick search field don’t have case sensitive setup

Thank you for fixing this

Hey Nacyil, this doesn’t seems a bug, but rather an implementation.

One of the possibles solutions is to change your db collation, AFAIK in scriptcase this is the cleanest solution.
I believe all databases we use in SC have support to make a LIKE with UPPER or LOWER case.

At least I know the most popular ones does.

So, I think we could provide an option in the search for the user to choose if he wants the case to be sensitive or insensitive, however I can’t promise anything. I can suggest this implementations in our development meetings.

If you can suggest this in our feedback on the forums would be great to show some demand for this change.

Hello Cavadinha

I don’t think this could be an implementation problem.

If, my field in table db is utf8_bin, my connection too, and data is in upper case in this field, if I type in lower case in Quick search, does it give me records ?
I don’t think so, please try it

create 2 records in a table customer,: id and name collation utf8_bin , enter following date in UPPER CASE
1 - JOHN

create a connection collation utf8_bin
create a form app with quick search and type in lower case : smi

Tell me please if you have SMITH in results : if not, this is a bug, if yes, please send your test


There’s an option in the app SQL settings: “case sensitive”.
Does it make any difference if you change it?

Hi robydago

Nothing changed