Quick Templates for Toolbars and Selects

Many times we change the order and appearance of buttons in toolbars and reuse it in many applications of the same project. It would be useful if we could save one toolbar layout and be able to reapply it in the same project (like Load lookup definitions in Manual Lookup Method in Selects)

Also It would be extremely helpful to save all lookup settings as templates and be able to reuse it. Most of the time we create the same select fields in many applications in one project over and over again.
Having to recreate the query and the options every time is time consuming and some times leads to bugs that we have to debug.

At last, but not least, saving and reusing all field options for a field as a template would be grate. If I want to create a field to select a client for example (used many times in an app) I have to remember and set each time all options for this field. I would be easier to edit a field, select the client template and automatically change all the appropriate settings to fit the template