Quien ha usado Totalling Variables (group by)

Hola a Todos,

En el manual del scriptcase en la seccion de macros dice:

During the break down process, Scriptcase generates total variables to each break level.
The routines are defined in event ?onGroupBy? determining the break levels. Totals
special variables are then referenced substituting the break name for the key word
?break?, as in:
Variable Description
{count_ger} Records total amount.
{sum_parcel} Field ?parcels? total .
{sum_balance} Field ?Balance? total .
{count_break} Current break level records total.
{sum_break_parcel} Current break level field ?parcels? total .
{sum_break_balance} Current break level field ?Balance? total .

Ex. 1: In an application with a break by state and city and that totalizes a balance
field, in the break totals, is possible to display the average (avg) instead of the
balance as follows.
{sum_break_balance} = {sum_break_balance} / {count_break};

esto esta en el manula del scriptcas, la instruccion “break” no me funciona al calcular una operacion en los subtotales como por ejemplo en los totales de areas y subareas, pero si me funciona con el total general.

adjunto especificamente lo que quiero decir.


groupby.docx (66.9 KB)