Re-install problem sc8v1 on OSX El Capitan


I had to re-install my laptop with new OSX El Capitan and I requested for a new installation.My old Serial number was cancelled en received a new for my new installation.

I installed sc8V1 but in the last step when the browser is going to “” to log in, I get always the message that there is no connection with the server.

What could be wrong ?



I have the same problem.


I had to re-install my laptop with new OSX El Capitan and I requested for a new installation.My old Serial number was cancelled en received a new for my new installation.

I installed sc8V1 but in the last step when the browser is going to “” to log in, I get always the message that there is no connection with the server.

What could be wrong ?


I’ve got the same issue. Seems like that the web server do not launch. I do not see any http server in the process list. How to start it manually?

The installation of scV81 uses XAMPP, for some reason in OSX El Capitan don’t load the environment variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.
If you choose the default installation folder you have to edit /Applications/NetMake/v81/components/xamppfiles/bin/envvars file and replace the following lines to:

if test “x$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH” != “x” ; then


and test:

I see the exact lines you have in your post in my envvars but what do you change them to in order to fix this?


Thank you so much for your post. I have been waiting for Scriptcase support to solve this for over a week! I finally able to resume work on my project.


Thanks Mkio,

It works now.

Another workaround is to disable SIP (System Integrity Protection) in OSX.

1- start your Mac with CMD-R till you see the apple logo (recovery modus)
2- start the terminal
3- type the following command: csrutil disable
4- restart your Mac

(to enable again SIP type: csrutil enable

You’re welcome!

The next Monday October 19 2015, ScriptCase will update ScriptCase V8.1 Installer for MacOS to fix installation problems on OS X El Capitan

Is the new installer release? I didn’t see any notice from official website. The official website also didn’t mention in the changelog. Please help.

what does i have really to change ? because i dont have recovery partition in my mac, what to change in my envars ?

Basically the path names are incomplete you don’t need to reinstall anything.

any official comment or explanation from scriptcase? what’s the exact way to resolve the issue? or we need to pay for the answer due to the bugs or misconfiguration of the software?