any ideas how to read the user location ?
ie. I have a user check in to the App (so I can register the CheckIn time) but also I need to register his location VS destination location. There are two scenarios:

  • runnigng web App through the browser (laptop OR phone)
  • running App on a phone (with the SC Project converted to the mobile App)

at the moment I am interested in the first option, then later the mobile version (As an alternative).

I have already answer you 2 years ago how to get GPS coordinate

With Longitude and Latitude you can call a Google API to get the physical address

In addition to this answer, you don’t always get a correct answer. Not only if a vpn is used, but also the users gets a popup to share his location. He can say no…

I am considering reading user IP and matching it with the one registered in their profile. If there is a match they are granted permission to entire project, if not they can only access their profile. They have to login and update IP in the profile. Anybody is using something like this ?