Real "blank" Blank Applications

It would be great if there would be a way, to let the blank applications be really blank without any output. At the moment, the blank applications still generate html tags, which isn’t good, if you want to code a cronjob or SOAP-Server, because you dont have control what is echoed and what not.

In the case of a cronjob you get returned the whole HTML-Text, which is pretty unclear. In the case of a SOAP-Server the result is no valid XML-Output.

It would be great if you could include this option asap.


[QUOTE=vivapolonium;18477]It would be great if there would be a way, to let the blank applications be really blank without any output. At the moment, the blank applications still generate html tags, which isn’t good, if you want to code a cronjob or SOAP-Server, because you dont have control what is echoed and what not.

In the case of a cronjob you get returned the whole HTML-Text, which is pretty unclear. In the case of a SOAP-Server the result is no valid XML-Output.

It would be great if you could include this option asap.


Please do not keep on posting the same issue over again and again. You’re point is clear.

In my other topic I looked for a solution for my problem.

Here I am suggesting a feature, as the name of this name of this category indicates.

I think developers will rather recognize, that there’s a demand for new features, if they find a topic clearly showing what is wanted and why, than looking in some other categories, where people posting a bunch of problems every day.

So far…

Yes, sorry for that. I overlooked that. If you need a lot of generating power using the database then I can agree on your request. But if you want to create a blank application then you’re talking of completely self-build module. Then I don’t see why you should use SC for that. IMHO you could consider using a direct php edit tool like zend, phpEd, etc.

Hello vivapolonium,

Wouldn’t a direct php solution be best for you as Albert suggested?

Bernhard Bernsmann

Well, sure, you could write that kind of application directly in php, but

a) you’d have to define all the db-settings for that second application, too, so if you have to change them in SC you’d have to change them in the native application too.

b) if i’d code a native php app, i’d have to copy it manually on the server, instead of simply deploying it with SC.

c) in the native application, i wouldn’t have access to all the sc-makros, which could be useful sometimes.

d) it would be just more simple and nice, to have all my application in one place.

I think there are a few good reasons to concider implementing this feature. I can’t think of all the scenarios which could happen, but I think for the advanced users of SC such an option would come in handy. Sure, a native php-app would work, too, but it just wouldn’t be implemented that nice into scriptcase as all my other code. Maybe you could just implement a little flag in the blank application, which disables all html output? It would be great, to have exact control over the output.



Nice points. I will forward your suggestion to our team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

+1000 also for me. Need to call SC blank applications from other PHP hand made or skedule jobs.