Refined search hide fileds dynamically

Hello, I wanted to ask if it’s possible to programmatically show or hide fields in refined search. I’ve already tried $('#div_int_v_areab2b_anagrafica_art_c10').hide(), but as soon as I click on a value to filter (on other filter field), the field reappears (I’ve verified that there are no events to call to re-hide the field).

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could be a useful feature, however i expect it is not implemented yet.
I also with if the refined search stayed at all times even when no records are found. somehow it disappears and it is impossible to adjust the selection. #new-feature #refined-search

hi finally find a workaround inserting : where “v_areab2b_anagrafica_art_c1” is my field name

this is the “modify fileds” in refined search