Refresh container

Hi to everybody!
I have a problem that i can’t solve: I have a container with two grids. After a script with a button in the second grid, i have to refresh the first grid. Can i do that? I tried to do a redir to the same container but it create a new container in the second grid.
Can i execute operations from the second grid to the first ones in the same container?


put a Javascript button on the second grid.
Then you need to know the widget number of the first grid. It’s the number shown when you created the widget before you put a title in (Widget X).
If you can’t remember it, you have to look it up in the source code. Search for “id-iframe-widget”.
When you have the id (let’s assume it is id-iframe-widget1), put the following code in the button.

parent.document.getElementById(‘id-iframe-widget1’).contentWindow.document.location.href += ‘’;

That should do it.


Thanks for your answer jsbinca.
i tried what you have written but its doesn’t work.
My widget number is “id-iframe-widget4” so i have created a Javascript button within this code:
parent.document.getElementById(‘id-iframe-widget4’).contentWindow.document.location.href += ‘’;
Is it right?

Thanks a lot!