Reg. Production environment SQLLite Connection issues

I am referring some tables from SQLLite on my projects and our projects fully depend on SQL server 2000. But while creating new connection in the Production environment for the Sqllite, it is asking for the server, and Filename the wizard also asks for Username and password…!

I don’t have any username & password for Sqllite db, and while checking the connection it fails…!

Anyone has any comments …!


Re: Reg. Production environment SQLLite Connection issues

Anuone faces this issues…? and what is the fix…?


Re: Reg. Production environment SQLLite Connection issues

Do not use SQLlite, sorry.


Re: Reg. Production environment SQLLite Connection issues


Fine…! But I am trying to show the version of the project by referring script case Sqllite nm_scriptcase.db


Re: Reg. Production environment SQLLite Connection issues


But sorry I didnt understand, Do you use SQL Server 2000 in Development, right ? And in production environment you must use SQL Server too.
The SQLite you said is used by your Scriptcase database, right ? If you dont know, you can check in your browser,
for example: http://localhost/scriptcase/config.php

If appear any Username and Password for SQLite you dont need to fill this option.

Re: Reg. Production environment SQLLite Connection issues

Hi maxveras,
Yes, My development and production database is SQL 2000 server…!

I have Sqlite db and having additions connection created for revision control…!

How does we connect the sqllite db in the production environment…? and why it asks for user name and password…?! and what is that i need to give … Advise


Re: Reg. Production environment SQLLite Connection issues

I have attached the processes, i had used to create sqllite connection in prodcution environment…!

Create connection

Create connection SQLLite selected

  1. DBMS/ Driver SQLlite PDO
    Decimal separator : Comma
    Presistent Connecxion : Yes

Here Decimal separator has changed to DOT , and changed Presistet connection Yest/No not helping
4.Server Name = [Server name where sqllite db is located] ; Database = [File name with exact path in the server as below

E:/Program Files/NetMake/v5/wwwroot/scriptcase/devel/conf/scriptcase/sc_tickets.en_us.db

The file path is exact path which was used in the development environment.
I just Copy & paste from development environment

5, Asks for username & password
I don’t know, what user name and password to give on sqllite database…!

Finished, But not connection is not sucessful

anyone had tried and had similar issues…?

Re: Reg. Production environment SQLLite Connection issues

Anyone tried deploy SC_tickets application in Production enviroment…?

I coun’t make sqllite prodution enviroment connection…!

Please comment…!


Re: Reg. Production environment SQLLite Connection issues

Just leave the username and password blank. You dont need to fill :-p

Just inform the path to the sqlite file in the field server c:/… or /var/www/ … and leave the rest of the fields blank.

Re: Reg. Production environment SQLLite Connection issues


Great help…! I got my problem solved after a Long time

Thanks a Lot


not really - because when you use the UNIX type OS (i.e. Linux) there is no drive letter !

I have the same problem. I tried to find some info on how to setup a PATH for SQLite on production server (which is Linux in this case) but no info at all ;-(
I tested some URI strings but so far nothing works
