Reload causes form to jump to top of browser

I created a Control with 5 dropdown fields, filled by a query. From the second dropdown list to the fifth, each dropdown list has been filled with values, depending on the selected value of the former dropdown (by queries with references to variables in the where-clause).
For this reason, in my ‘Lookup Settings’ of each Field, I need to check the ‘Reload form when value has changed’ option.
Everything works fine, except the screen layout.
Each time, a value has been selected from the dropdown list (when it has been changed), causing a ‘Reload’ to fill up the next dropdown-lists, the input form jumps to the top of the browser.

How can this be solved ?

Kind regards,

Hearing this error for the first time, Will try to figure this out

@timberjake : Thank you very much ! Meanwhile I have been looking on the web for similar problems, but the only thing I found was the advice to add a ‘return false’ at the end of the redirect url, as mentioned on this website : It seems that this problem also appears in other environments, such as .NET.
However, this is not a solution, as the code has been generated by scriptcase, and I have no impact on that part. So far, no solution, in case you might found something, it would be very helpfull…