reload grid after modal window

Sorry for my bad English

Hi all, I have an application type grid, in which a column has a sc_link modal type which brings me to an application control that performs a question for not updating or data grid type, what I want is that the modal exit the grid make a refresh to update the data, how do I do?

Check this

Hi guys.
@Giu: your link does not work anymore. Could you share it again please?
I’m having the same issue.

  • in my initial grid (calling grid), I have a Link Button that displays another grid app in modal to perform specific action on its rows
  • in the modal grid, I tried sc_exit(sel) which did not close the modal grid
  • I use now sc_exit(); which closes the modal grid but does not reload the data in the calling grid
    How can I use “sc_redir” from the modal grid to get back to the calling App ?
    And I tried the “Refresh Interval” in the calling grid settings: does not work at all … any idea?
    Thx a lot.