Reload reference table data into editable grid form

Hi guys, wanna ask

How do you reload data from table A into editable grid view form / multple row form that connected to table B ?

The purpose of this so user doesn’t need to add manually the data into row again. They only need to update certain field so it can be resubmitted to table B.

Example :

I have table sales_quota that have 25 item. I want to resubmit the item into sales_invoice without adding one by one that item manually. Or even if we have to, we only need to resubmit it row by row after editing some field. Not by adding row by row and have to select the item manually.


Would a selectable grid do the job? Or a multi select form?

I have considered using selectable grid but it cannot edit certain field.

And i think there’s a constraint or maybe bug. I have called the the Grid using master / detail from my form and the grid using run button, but the checkbox didn’t appear. The checkbox appear / work fine if you execute the grid individually

So it must be a form (multiple row, editable grid row)

Any Idea how to do this ?