Request more examples from Forum

Dear support,

i would request SC to prepare more examples or “how to do XXX” kinda example
For my case, i dont need hundreds of SC example but i would like something which follow certain mainstream biz app

SC is GREAT product but it require a good captain to ship us to the right approach.
I need to do an app which able to tracke the movement from time to time. But we have tried hard to crack the codes, doing many workaround and yet to get it working correctly

Could you show us a properway to keep track the movement of person in a form app?



What exactly would you like to track concerning the user’s movement on the application?

Bernhard Bersmann

i would like to build a mid sized ERP using SC.
so, one of the key feature, is they able to track a person’s status by given a time.

how could we do that via SC? plz understand that, AUDIT might not suitable for my case, AUDIT tells you which field is changed in a time.
But it doesn’t tell u, a person’s status on a given X date, right? unless you going to get program to loop thorugh his changes tracked since the very first time the record is entered.

But if you have a record can keep storing his record changes, with an effective date as key field, then we can pump in person_id + date, we would be able to tell wht’s his gender, name, address, etc…

Probably the industry i came from, peoplesoft ERP is very different from SC, that’s why some people find hard to understand on what i was telling.

Sorry for my bad english as well :slight_smile:

I am a peoplesoft user. If you want to create a similar thing where you want to store the previous records then it is fairly easy in my view.
For the OnAfterInsert just copy the complete last record to the screen and add your effdt and effseq. It should be fairly simple.
When you then save it will save in the (employees) table. Just be that peoplesoft saves many interactions as once and scriptcase saves them one by one.
I would make effseq from a sequence number…

That’s one option, but it will make the actual table pretty large in time and performance depend on the correct indexes. But the advantage is that you can restore the correct situation by date and that you can make future updates.
If that’s not neccessary then another option might be to copy the current record to a history record and then do the update. The history remains in the history table and you only have one active record. It can be done in only one sql statement, i.e. in the onbeforeinsert, onbeforeupdate. onbeforedelete (if you delete, I recommend a status active)