I’m Frank
I have the following problem create an application with a login form that validates user data and then store them in session variables which are then used in other applications in the system I created that need to know that user has entered to display the information.
the user gains access without problems and see what personal information but after using the different menu options available to him in a time period less than 2 min the values of session variables are lost
someone could say that I am doing wrong?
Here Login Form Code Example
sc_lookup(dtget_logged_user,“SELECT user_id
FROM tb_mst_login
WHERE email = ‘$user_name’ OR username = ‘$user_name’
AND password = ‘$encrypted_pass’”);
[login_user_id] = {dtget_logged_user[0][0]};
[user_type] = {dtget_logged_user[0][1]};
$isEmail_Verify = {dtget_logged_user[0][2]};
$isValid_user = 1;