Responsive Menu after latest update 9.11.010

Hello, I am wondering if any of SC users are facing problem with the Responsive Menu after the recent update last week 9.11.010. I am no longer able to create or copy new themes of the menu and can only use the SC themes.
Should I uninstall SC and re-install it again to solve this problem?

Also I noticed that this new Responsive Menu does not have Footer! and the old regular menus of old version are disappeared as well. Any thoughts?

I am having the same problem

Responsive Menu:
Script Case Version 9.11.007-x64-php8.1 (updated)
Area Application Theme
Task: Create new them
Theme mode: project
Problem: unable to apply the new , theme to my protect.

To this specific case, change this parameter in your php.ini to this:

max_input_vars = 40000

And try to create a new theme or even modify an existing one.

Hope this helps

Thank you. Tried the max_input_vars = 40000 but could not get it to work. I’ll keep trying, making sure I’m updating the correct php.ini file.

it’s a bug see this post


As mentioned by the @marcosc above, the topic has already been opened previously and feedback was given about the problem, which has already been reported to be corrected by the responsible team.

As soon as the fix is ​​released, we will also be providing feedback through this thread.

Best regards!