Run grid button

I have a grid from table “numbers”. Only to get an X amount of records.

On the onRecord event I wrote the code:

[date] = date(‘l d F Y’, strtotime([date] . ’ +1 day’));
{date} = [date];

So, now I have a grid with dates from tomorrow until 1 year later.

With this tutorial “” I created the grid buton and that works fine.

I’d like to insert a record with the date(s) I selected. But I’ll alway get the last dat of the grid.

This is my code in the OnRecord form the button:


// SQL statement parameters
$date = date(‘Y-m-d’, strtotime([date]));
$TimeStamp = date(“Y-m-d H:i:s”);
$insert_table = ‘tb_shifts_main’; // Table name
$insert_fields = array( // Field list, add as many as needed
‘timestamp_insert’ => “’$TimeStamp’”,
‘author_insert’ => “‘1’”,
‘author_update’ => “‘0’”,
‘active’ => “‘1’”,
‘status’ => “’’”,
‘lock_record’ => “‘1’”,
‘date’ => “’$date’”,
‘location_id’ => “‘1’”,
‘contact_id’ => “‘1’”,
‘memo’ => “’$test’”,
‘info’ => “’’”,
‘description’ => “’’”,

// Insert record
$insert_sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $insert_table
    . ' ('   . implode(', ', array_keys($insert_fields))   . ')'
    . ' VALUES ('    . implode(', ', array_values($insert_fields)) . ')';


And this in the OnRecord event:
[date] = date(‘l d F Y’, strtotime([date] . ’ +1 day’));

How do I insert the selected date?

Found it! Moved the insert code to the onRecord event. Sorry!