in Scriptcase IDE the 'run" link is not working anymore for me. I tried 3 browsers - no luck
although Edit and Rename works OK
Hello Mr. Klisiewicz,
We test here and the button Run worked fine, generated the source code and run the application.
Update your scriptcase to 8.1.021 and try again.
Best regard,
Netmake team
I run an update to v8.1.021 but the RUN button still not working (although all other 3 buttons DO).
I use Firefox v43.0.4
Perhaps somebody else (other user) could confirm is it working or not ?
You probably talking about different button. You need to pay more attention to details in the posts.
the 'Run" button on the screenshot still not working ! ! !
Please, open the browser’s inspection tool (firebug or something similar), try the “Run” button and note if any JavaScript exception is happening.
It’s working properly here and as far as I remember we didn’t changed anything that could backfire in this part of SC.
I tested this link in 3 browsers, none of them works. Once again - it is RUN link in the options column. I do not know what else I could check. When running in FF with FireBug, there are no events or errors. Simply when I click on the link nothing happens.
My SC version 8.1.022
could somebody (I mean other users) confirm if this is working in your browser or not ?
Thank you
this is the error returned by the browser chrome in the inspector when done ‘click’ on the link Run:
[B]Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘innerHTML’ of null
Jose Luis[/B]
I managed to simulate the problem and reported it to our development team.
The problem occurs when the status column is not displayed.
TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null
str_op = document.getElementById('span_run_build_' + str_cod).innerHTML;
title='Run application myApp' href="#" onclick="nm_app_option('run_build', 'myApp', 'menu')" class='nmLink' >Run<
OK John, I hope that this anomaly is fixed.
I’ve spent years developing with ScriptCase (exactly since version 3) and from 5.0 started happening this. I have not insisted on this ruling because the button on the toolbar to run the application has always worked with the application open logically. Everything else works perfectly, without any fault. It was strange that nobody complained about this, until I saw the post of Arthur and I decided to answer.
My environment to inform your team is as follows:
Scriptcase 8.1.041.
The development and production environment are installed on the same Server: Windows 2012 Server R2, 48GB RAM and 16 processors 1and1 cloud server.
We use 2 simultaneous apache servers with different IP’s, Domain and Ports, Scriptcase one for development and one for production.
The development is carried out by remote desktop.
Jose Luis
It was strange that nobody complained about this
Well, probably because it fails under some specific circumstances. It worked correctly for me always.
Thank you all for your help.
This problem was identified by John and was fixed internally.
The fix shall be release to the public in the next patch.