Apologies - originally posted this in “discussion” in error - so duplicated it here - perhaps a moderator can delete the “discussion” version please?
I have a form (single record) that has a button that calls a control app modally. When the modal app is closed I want the calling form to refresh to reflect that changes the modal app made. Everything works fine except for the refresh after closing. How can I achieve this?
The button that calls the control app modally is a Link button.
I have also tried using a PHP button (instead of a link button) with the following code:
That also doesn’t work re the refresh. Firstly, the modal bit doesn’t quite work; opens app but in a new browser window, and the main screen becomes just a menu and background with no app displayed. After after closing the “modal” form" it just closes leaving the blank main screen - so the redir to the calling app doesn’t appear to happen.
Any thoughts folks?