Samples menu02

Menu > layout > menu structure

There is a library object called “menu02.html”. It puts a little bell on the menu header. I’d like to use that to send notifications or alerts to the end user (similar to what scriptcase does with that bell) but can’t figure out how to make it work. Is anyone aware of a demo or tutorial or webinar that shows how to do that?

Ok - I kind of have this working - I’m using a global variable (Value = [glo_notes]) and a php method to get the ‘notes’. I would like to have an icon on top of the bell - or change the bell color - when there are unread messages. Here’s my php code (so far) … stuck …

{today} =date(“Y-m-d”); //current date

//Get notice from table
$check_sql = “SELECT note”
. " FROM sec_notice"
. " WHERE publish_date = ‘" . {today} . "’";
sc_lookup(rs, $check_sql);

if (isset({rs[0][0]})) // Row found
[glo_note] = {rs[0][0]};
else // No row found
[glo_note] = ‘’;

//If there are notes, show an icon or color the thing or display alert or something
sc_lookup(ds, “SELECT COUNT(note) FROM sec_notice”) ;
if({ds} >= 1) {

I’m interesting too about this kind of notifications (same scriptcase)
Somebody, have a tuto.



do you already fix that?
i also need a tutor for notifications