Samples - some bugs found

A: I started a new project using Samples as the template.
I chose MySQL: the samples all give errors. Why does MySQL not work?

B: I tried again, this time using SQLite. Now it works.

Found some errors:-
a) green arrow in picture below: - used Edit to add Sugar. Then tried to Edit Sugar. Gives the error shown. View SQL doesn’t do anything.
b) red arrow in picture below - missing menu item. Also there are other missing menu items, e.g. Date fields under Customizing fields, etc.


c) In this example, the Save button disappears when you click Add. So cannot Add:





I reported these problems.

The last problem is related to the form buttons on links with iframes. (Already reported)

Thank you.
While I have your attention, I have posted a few messages that did not get a reply.
I am new here and am uncertain what the processes are.

  • Should someone have replied?
  • Or does no reply mean something? [/LIST]


  • @john, search in the history. I reported several issues with the samples:. i.e. the projectmanagement tool uses a gantt chart that doesn’t work well on html, the webshop is not consistent in capitalization of table and field names. Oracle has made the tablenames case sensitive which causes issues. Many of these issues might be minor but when you release new version you should use your samples to see if the changes break (old) samples. It’s your advertisement, if the samples don’t work…