
nice one :D:o:cool:

Explaining that SC project could be open on a mobile browser is just a waste of time. We all know that.

There are 3 scenarios:

  1. RUNNING AN APP ON THE SERVER (apps files on the server, database on the server)
  2. RUNNING AN APP ON THE DEVICE (apps files stored locally, database on the server)
  3. RUNNING AN APP ON THE DEVICE (apps files stored locally, database stored locally)

When I asked initial question I was referring to the p.1
Having SC8 Project installed on Android device running SQLite+Apache(like) web server should be sufficient to run complete project locally. there is more than a dozen HTTP servers available for Android (not sure about iPhone)

Here is what sucks ! This cannot be tested at the moment because SC8 does not work with SQLite. There is a bug ticket created for that and it is still unresolved.

So far I have created new project based on the Samples included with SC8 and tried to open it on my Samsung Note 2 (default OS browser). Unfortunately everything opened as in a standard desktop borwser (tiny fonts, small etc.)
Ma guess for now is that either the template does not recognize I’m opening it from a mobile device or there has to be something triggered in the project itself. I also tried to create simplest possible project (one grid + one form) and test it. I got the same results so perhaps I’m missing something or it is not working. That was the reason for my question. I would like to see at least one project (as I would expect such project included with SC8 distribution) which works on mobile right out of the box. Since NM claims SC8 is mobile compatybile it would be logical to include some example - right ? I do not see one


[QUOTE=aka;28316] There is a bug ticket created for that and it is still unresolved.

you made me laugh, do you expect early update for a bug ticket! bartho will be made then :slight_smile: just kidding, they are busy, this is the scenario always, and have a lot of unknown priorities fix, at least the priority list and the roadmap (if there is any) is unknown for us who use the SC, who cares!?

negative, it works ok and recognizes the mobile perfectly in: menu application, shows as nice layout navigator, also in single record form, looks best, and for grid, somehow, but better thatn sc7. for container is really great, but missing the back/exit button which makes it uselss, who goes to container on mobile will stuck there, even the back button of mobile will do nothing! not usefull at all, perfect layout but serious malfunction… lets forget a little about not able to adjust the mobile CSS and colors of menu, size and dimensions…etc

this test was using sc8.00x early versions of sc8, published project on linux CentOS typical web server with apache mysql, and also you can browse it from local network using Opera mobile emulator… i tried physically on iphone5s and galaxy s2 and 3

You use the themes from SC8?

There seems to be an option for a special icon to recover the menu, but at webinar time we could replicate the issue with hidden menus and containers. I assume that Marcia has reported this.

Truth is that SC8 is an improvement to 7 for a few things, but it was released way too soon as there are loads of issues to solve especially in the mobile thing. Expectations where high in combination with wishful thinking …

I think that there are soo many bugs that prioritizing is a burdon. The resellers where asked to report errors with highest priority. The only access I have is the forum and all is there. Bartho reported all to the bugsteam, so give us a list and I think I can prioritize. But I’m not going into the forum to document all reported errors.

For us, SC8 works well because we don’t do mobile stuff besides tablets and we design our forms for them.

It’s time that SC is SC starts to learn about quality control. I don’t believe in words, I believe in action.