Saving deployment settings

Hi everyone,

I have several scriptcase projects for several different customers.

Now I ran into a problem yesterday. I was deploying one SC project with FTP to the wrong production environment of another scriptcase project.
Is it possible to store the deployment ftp settings into the project so this problems can be eliminated. Or that you have multiple settings (one for production and one for testing (not development) enviroment).


Look here …

Thank Reinhard,
But this does not anwser my question except it is not possible. And SC is still looking to this. As this should be a basic feature.

I could also write that, but you see, it is being discussed because several user have such requirements.

Thanks Reinhard,
I understand now what you mean.
This such basic feature and not so hard to make. But again and again I am running into such basic problems with SC, that I am wondering if this tool is suitable for creating large ERP like systems.