Sc_appmenu_add_item error in SC 9.10

In the new version, the macro sc_appmenu_add_item does not work. Returns an Invalid Target error on an array.


Could you please show me how you are building the code using the macro? I’m trying to simulate that, but It’s working well here.

Best regards.

Hello Rafael,
I use the macro in a php method as follows:
$label="&nbsp&nbsp&nbspMy User";



This issue has been solved in our new release (9.10.001)
You can download that in our website.

Best regards.

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My menu is dynamically generated and it worked in version 9.10 but now does not work in 9.10.001. I should mention that I added single quotes to the menu name parameter to make it work in 9.10 but will not work with either quotes or no quotes in version 9.10.001.

I’ve been advised via a SC support ticket that the syntax for using FA icons is:

Just checked here with the developers responsible for building the responsive menu.

This is the correct syntax to use font awesome icons:

sc_appmenu_add_item("menu_1", "item_1", "", "Category", "", "", "fab fa-algolia", "Category", "")

where fab fa-algolia is the font awesome icon.