I do agree with you Arthur; I myself have a support expired account for some 200+ days now, and certainly I’m not invited to renew that service since I couldn’t get any decent help to do my Systems’ development job. I felt like “on my own” all this year and it’s OK since I do like ScriptCase; I think is a good product but with very poor support.
I’m sorry SC support team, but we are not trying to sink you down with our comments; we are only trying help all of us in here. I would seriously suggest that you hire english native speaking people to give support to an outstanding base of SC followers, and “look who’s talking”! a spanish speaker guy! but hey! we have all to agree in reference to communicate in one language clearly among customers and vendors worldwide. And that is English.
I will keep following SCriptCase development since I do like the product & concept, but I am willing to pay only for good understandable documentation and support in clear plain English; since asking for a clear spanish version would’nt be fair (and probably not worth the investment) to all other SC users’ languages.
Besides, I say this with authority because I have reviewed all the videos and documentation I have found about SC in Spanish and none has a clear an understandable translation (from Portuguese that is. ). They were fluently “speaked” in spanish, that’s it. They were like googled and yes, you could kind of follow what is being said, but when your head depends on the use of a development tool to deliver tight scheduled projects, you need to fully understand what you are in to at all times.
PD. Nothing has to be said about the english version videos, which are clear enough and were the only ones that have helped me to clear up things about SC.