SC does not respect sql ORDER BY in grid!

SC does not respect sql ORDER BY in grid!! SC 9.10.023 (27)

This is not the same SELECT, it’s also missing orden_compra, observaciones and estado.

Are you sure that you are looking at the right SELECT

:laughing: :laughing: is the same!

Yes, now it’s the same :slight_smile:

Strange bug

Try doing it with sql builder app - not working either, been like it for a while now
I reported it months ago but no reply

It’s a simple grid! They are breaking everything with every new update! A shame!

I estimate that this is a specific problem of yours, otherwise there would be a thousand messages like this.

I do not have this problem with the last version.

Best regards.

What is your installed version?

As I told you, the last version 9.10.23(27)

I did another new test and I confirm the bug. Sorry. I was using a previous grid.

Te confirmo el bug. RarĂ­simo. Saludos.

Para salir del paso mientras lo arreglan esto funciona. Saludos.

idarticulo as art,
order by art desc

Sí, si le pongo otro campo también anda para salir del paso.
Muchas gracias

onScriptInit Event

please write some like…

sc_select_where(add) = “order by op_id desc”;

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