Dear all,
I looked up three values and I got them correctly on echos messages (just to control if they are present or not).
Within on change (field artico_xid_id) I wrote this code:
sc_lookup(serial_number,“SELECT codice FROM warehouse_artico WHERE id = {artico_xid_id}”);
{inventario} = {serial_number}[0][0];
echo "Inventario ". {inventario};
sc_lookup(material_type,“SELECT tipoma_xid_id FROM warehouse_artico WHERE id = {artico_xid_id}”);
{artico_tma} = {material_type}[0][0];
echo " Tipo articolo ". {artico_tma};
sc_lookup(mat_type_desc,“SELECT warehouse_tma.descri FROM warehouse_tma, warehouse_artico WHERE = warehouse_artico.tipoma_xid_id and = {artico_xid_id}”);
{descri_tma} = {mat_type_desc}[0][0];
echo " Descrizione ". {descri_tma};
I also tried to use syntax {serial_number[0][0]}; {material_type[0][0]}; {mat_type_desc[0][0]}; but the result is always empty fields.
Now I have all correct data and with echo I can see them . Why nothing appears on field forms ?
Have I to make a kind of assign command to update the form’s fields contents ?