sc_redir error

So I was using sc_redir() in a onClick event on a grid application,
it works well at first, and then after I do some more editing on those applications,
the sc_redir() suddenly doesnt work properly anymore.
By not working properly I mean it only works when I use it to direct to some other website,
or set the target as modal.

Is this a bug or something I did wrong?

Hello Brian,

Could you show your code? And if possible also attach pictures detailing the step by step of your problem so I can understand better.

Thank you!

Thanks for the reply :smiley:
Now the problem is whenever I call the sc_redir(even on newly created application), it won’t redirect to another application,
unless you set the target as modal or u give it the whole URL(http://some location),
and after testing I found out even the header function won’t work too?
Is there something I did wrong?

Here is a new application that I created to test with (the onClick ajax event):


In your application you dont use sc_redir for edit the record.

You’re using header(“Location:”); <— This not work, I will inform the development team to evaluate this problem.

About your problem, you’re using sc_redir for redirection to application (Edit on the form via parameters and back again to grid)?

I need only more details about your applications.

Give me your sc_redir with parameters. I would perform a test.

Thank you!

Thanks for the reply! :slight_smile:

my sc_redir parameter is:

sc_redir(‘application name’);

For example I use that on a blank application and it doesnt wok:


And here is the blank application I created for testing:

@Brian : try sc_redir(<your_app_name>.php). Look at the web help: sc_redir() without parameters with .php, sc_redir() with parameters but without .php. Ok, a little confused that …