SC_REDIR redirect to website URL outside of SC

I am trying to redirect after form data has been inserted into a DB using the code below in the onAfterInsert Event.

// Redirection parameters
$redir_app = ‘/activation.php?email=’. {email}; // Application name
$redir_target = ‘_parent’; // Target window (_blank, _self, _parent or modal)

// Redirection


As you can see I am trying to pass a variable from the form called “email” to the activation.php script to have that variable available for the script for display. When I look at the request variables posted to the activations.php script the “email” value is set to “this->email” instead of the actual email address. The JSON encoded $_GET array is below:


Am I able to pass form variables like this to other URLs?


Yes, after all you are just passing a $php variable.

Maybe on the AfterInsert() {email} no longer has any value.

You could try two different approaches, store {email} value on a global variable on the ValidateSuccess()

[email] = {email};

and then pass [email] on the redirection parameters.

Or you could try to see what {email} value is on AfterInsert().

I hope you have understood. Please let me know on any advancements.

Bernhard Bernsmann

Thanks for the response but I carefully went back to the documentation and worked through the recommended way to pass variables to the outside php script and it worked. Here is the code I used:

[B]// Redirection parameters
$redir_app = ‘/activation.php’; // Application name
$redir_target = ‘_parent’; // Target window (_blank, _self, _parent or modal)
$redir_param = array( // Param list, add as many as needed
“email” => “{email}”,
“param_2” => “value_2”
$redir_param = json_encode($redir_param);
// Redirection


The trick was encoding the $redir_param before sending it and then decoding it inside the other script. I have to use

$nmgp_parms = json_decode($_POST[nmgp_parms],true);

to get access the array.