sc_reset_menu_delete(); SAYS UNDEFINED FUNCTION...HELP!!!

I am trying to implement security on my site – with menu changes based on if([usr_login] != “admin”){ sc_menu_delete(item_45 ) ; }this works fine, but then if I try to restore the menu…if([usr_login] == “admin”){ sc_reset_menu_delete(item_45); } I get the error below…

Call to undefined function sc_reset_menu_delete() Does this function still exist?.. ANY IDEAS? I NOTICED OTHER POST ASKING SAME QUESTION BUT NO ANSWERS… HELP! Im stumped!

Worked with sc_reset_menu_disable();
That worked for me, after disabling menu items in sec_menu


why don’t you control your application within groups/permissions for groups/users? i guess this is better because if user have direct link to application it might work with him?

just saying, i never used to control menu items display with macros

just my 2 cents

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