When specifying the 2nd parameter for this macro, ScriptCase will generate a PHP error unless the value is hard-coded.
sc_exec_sql (“SQL Command”, “Connection”)
For example, these lines of code crashes PHP:
sc_exec_sql (“SQL Command”, [global_my_connection]);
sc_exec_sql (“SQL Command”, $thisConnection);
The same is true for the other functions I listed. In particular, when they are used in Library functions.
When used in Library functions, the PHP error I get is:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘,’ in E:\Program Files\NetMake\v7\wwwroot\scriptcase\app rialshow\Login\Login_apl.php on line 1384
It will generate a different type of error in the Events. For example, this works fine:
sc_select(my_data, “SELECT DISTINCT Access FROM myusers WHERE LoginID=‘johnxm’”, “si_local_mysql”);
BUT if I change it to:
[global_ftp_db] = ‘si_local_mysql’;
sc_select(my_data, “SELECT DISTINCT Access FROM myusers WHERE LoginID=‘johnxm’”, [global_ftp_db]);
Then I get a error on compile:
Event onValidate: "SELECT DISTINCT Access FROM myusers WHERE LoginID='johnxm", [global_ftp_db]
(Table 'sc_XXXXXXXXXX_dev.myusers ' doesn't exist)
(screenshot of one time I had this error is attached)
Why this is really bad for me: We have to frequently switch the database that our code uses. We need to coordinate a central database with 5-10 other servers that each run a local mySQL. I think it’s pretty common to need to use multiple connections. So I think this is a really important bug fix.
Can I be notified when it is fixed, or if there are plans to fix it? Because if not, I’m afraid I’ll need to drastically change my code at this point.