When Reinstalling SC V7.10 PHP 5.4 and trying to restore General Backup I get the following error:
Backup Routine
Project: GT2_Transplant_Aug2013
Version: 2
Application: Donor_select_edit_grid
Sequential: 180
Module Items Time
Buttons 0 0:00:00,00
Backgrounds 0 0:00:00,00
Tab Images 0 0:00:00,00
Icons 0 0:00:00,00
Images 29 0:00:00,05
Theme 2 0:00:00,01
Footer Templates 0 0:00:00,00
User Templates 0 0:00:00,00
Body Templates 0 0:00:00,00
Header Templates 0 0:00:00,00
Menu Templates 42 0:00:00,12
Security profiles 2 0:00:00,01
Lookup Definitions 0 0:00:00,00
PHP Libraries 1 0:00:00,00
Languages 28 0:00:00,03
WebHelp 0 0:00:00,00
SQL Commands 0 0:00:00,00
Deployment Templates 0 0:00:00,00
Projects 10 0:00:00,04
Data Dictionaries 1 0:00:00,00
Dictionaries (Table) 29 0:00:00,02
Dictionaries (Fields) 148 0:00:00,19
Version 12 0:00:00,03
Connections 10 0:00:00,01
Log 5 0:00:00,00
User 1 0:00:00,00
Application 750 0:00:05,29
INSERT INTO sc_tbcmp (Cod_Prj, Versao, Cod_Apl, Seq, Login, Html_Tipo, Usar_Label_Grid, Entra_Edit, Entra_Update, Entra_Sort, EntraDetalhe, EntraDetalheOrd, Def_Complemento, Def_Complemento_Cons, Def_Complemento_Pesq, Texto_Xml, Attr1, Attr2, Attr3, Attr4) VALUES (‘GT2_Transplant_Aug2013’, 2, ‘Donor_select_edit_grid’, 190, ‘admin’, ‘TEXT’, ‘S’, ‘S’, ‘S’, ‘N’, ‘S’, 190, ‘a:0:{}’, ‘a:0:{}’, ‘a:0:{}’, ‘a:0:{}’, 'a:274:{s:12:“autoinc_nome”;s:0:"";s:16:“banco_val_forcar”;s:1:“N”;s:14:“banco_val_tipo”;s:0:"";s:15:“banco_val_valor”;s:0:"";s:16:“autoinc_nome_upd”;s:0:"";s:20:“banco_val_forcar_upd”;s:1:“N”;s:18