SC V9 – Parse error on Security Module

I have a project that was created in SC Ver 8.1. The project was converted to 9 as per the SC instructions. The project runs fine when compiled in SC Ver 9. However, when I add the security module creation in SC Ver 9 I get the following error after I compile the project and run the login form.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘;’ in C:\Program Files\NetMake\v9\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\GBv21\app_Login\app_Login_apl.php on line 2899

I do not get this error if I do exactly the same in SC Ver 8.1

I just installed the latest upgrades for SC Ver 9 and reproduced the above and I still get exactly the same Parse error on the Login app created in SC Ver 9.

Have you looked at the error giving line? Sometimes it shows you what the issue is. Could be something in a custom event and might then be easily corrected by yourself.

In the PHP method “link_user” in the first line put simple quotes $group_default = ‘’;