SC7 Label Field Not Displaying Text on form

I’ve added a label field (not in the db) to a form. The label title shows up in the form but not the text. Not sure if I am doing something wrong or what. The field is in a block if someone could confirm the problem.

I have had a lot of trouble with label fields. You cannot access them with {} for instance. To avoid the problem, make it of type text and set the label property. It will have the same effect w.o. the problem.

Yes aducom, this is a work around and I will probably have to use it. I did notice something yesterday though.

Checking the box on the label field to reload the form does nothing. The label field is still blank when I generate and preview.

However I had a different ajax field in the form and when I checked the box on that field to reload when the value is changed, the label field text showed up.

If this is a bug I would like to see it fixed. A working label field would just be easier. Put text in and it’s done. Great for special instructions in a block layout. It should not be necessary to reload the form just to see text assigned to a field. Most of the time I do not want to reload a form anyway.


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann