Having an active security module, I was testing the “retrieve password” link on the login app. Clicking the link I am presented with an app asking for the login I want to reset the password for - fair enough.
On providing the login you then get the change password app showing 2 fields - “password” and “confirm password”. Normally (if done from within the admin menu) it would show 3 fields - “old password” being the extra field. Clearly when done this way (i.e. reset password externally), “old password” is not relevant so it is coded to be hidden.
On entering the new password into the 2 fields I get an error saying that the old password must be at least 4 characters! What the hell? This is clearly occurring because SC is checking the “old password” HIDDEN field - which is of course empty (hence complaining it is less than 4 characters). The thing is, why is SC even checking the “old password” field which is not relevant in this scenario?
I did find the following post which is pretty much the same problem - but is a solved closed thread as this is allegedly fixed in SC7 - er no it’s not (hence this new post).
Now, I can see the code and what is going on and could fix it manually - but I am reticent to do this because:
It is supposed to already be fixed - can anyone confirm this? And if that is true, what am I missing please? I am a relatively new customer and have only ever worked in SC7 - the specific versions of the apps involved I have are: app_change_pswd (7.01.0020) and app_retrieve_pswd (7.01.0020)
Given it is code supplied by SC I am wary of changing it only for it to possibly be replaced during a future update (with still broken code).