I don’t find any documentation about the SC7’s new macros: sc_time_diff, sc_ajax_refresh, sc_ldap_login, sc_ldap_logout, sc_ldap_search, sc_btn_disabled, sc_set_groupby_rule, sc_menu_force_mobile
Somebody know how to get this?
I don’t find any documentation about the SC7’s new macros: sc_time_diff, sc_ajax_refresh, sc_ldap_login, sc_ldap_logout, sc_ldap_search, sc_btn_disabled, sc_set_groupby_rule, sc_menu_force_mobile
Somebody know how to get this?
Nobody use or need these macros?, i don?t believe
Well, these are new macro’s for SC7 and most people are still working in 6 I guess. I was not aware of it’s existance. To connect to ldap requires about 7 lines of code and we do not use/need these ldap macro’s. Where did you find these new macro’s?
Hi Albert, in the last scriptcase 7 feature’s you can see this:
“In order to work with the new features, ScriptCase have now new macros available on the events: sc_time_diff, sc_ajax_refresh, sc_ldap_login, sc_ldap_logout, sc_ldap_search, sc_btn_disabled, sc_set_groupby_rule, sc_menu_force_mobile”
I found very useful the sc_time_diff, sc_ajax_refresh, sc_set_groupby_rule and sc_menu_force_mobile macros, you don’t?
I haven’t used them so far. For date-time routines we already use a lot of standard php functions. The sc_ajax_refresh looks promissing. Mobile is interesting, but we haven’t had the time to look into that. We need to attend to our customer pool first and the (spare) time we can use for research I’ll see what I can find.
Hi Albert, i think that the research is very important, i have a attendance’s software with more of 800 clients, if i see a new macro like sc_time_diff for calculate difference’s between times then i would likek include this macro in my software. So, i think that the SC Team must to give one response about the news macros because don’t exist documentation about this theme.
Have you guys seen our Web Help? downloads.scriptcase.com.br/downloads/v7/manual/en_us/webhelp/manual_mp/28-Macros/00-macros_sc.htm
Bernhard Bernsmann
Thanks Bartho for the link, one suggestion: Why not the macros option in the web help is the same?
It could be because your Web Help wasn’t updated properly when you updated ScriptCase. You could perform a manual update to make sure you have the latest SC release and manuals.
Please see: http://helpdesk.scriptcase.com.br/kb/article/english/linux/manual-update-scriptcase-7
Bernhard Bernsmann
The link http://helpdesk.scriptcase.com.br/kb/article/english/linux/manual-update-scriptcase-7 is not working and…i just have made a “manual update” and…
“Buscar actualizaciones disponibles
Analizando archivos de sistema…
Buscando actualizaciones disponibles …
No hay actualizaci?n disponible.”
and the new macros are not in the “manual” and the worst…they are not in the http://downloads.scriptcase.com.br/downloads/v7/manual/en_us/webhelp/manual_mp/28-Macros/00-macros_sc.htm
Thanks, this information is really useful.
SC is bloody useles with documentation.
I think we should gater together and make big pressure on NetMake in documentation subject.
This what they give us as a documentation is really the worst thing I’ve ever seen.
It’s just unbelievably useles incomplete messy and splited chaotically between videos, few also incomplete examples and posts and webhelp.
This is just so ridiculous and makes me bloody angry almoust every day when I need anything more than simple grid.
This is NOT what I expect from a professional CASE tool I payed for.
Do you agree with me?
Any ideas how to do that?
Agreed the documentation is lacking…
I agree also. I’m new to sc and the documentation is very convoluted. They should also have an English tech-writer editing/creating the documentation. Many thanks to the links in the previous post.