SC8 bug: images manager hungs up when uploading a new image

Hi, when trying to upload a new image, using Images Manager, Project Tab, General Images, after selecting the image, it shows the progress rotating wheel, indefinitely.

This is happening in a SC7 converted project, in which I can see and select images already there, is just I can’t upload any new images.


I will perform a conversion of some project v7 and try to simulate your problem in image manager Scriptcase.

Thank you.

Hi Thomas,

any news on this?

Tks and rgds, Ariel.

[QUOTE=Thomas Soares;29628]Hello,

I will perform a conversion of some project v7 and try to simulate your problem in image manager Scriptcase.

Thank you.[/QUOTE]


I performed the process of converting a system created by v7, I added an image in the project (project level), realized the conversion v7 to v8, open the converted project, open the image manager, open the Project tab, I made an upload of any image.

Worked normally.

Could perform a manual update and perform the procedure again?

Follow the support link:

Thank you and wait your test.

Did what was suggested (overwrote all files on my Scriptcase folder, ABOUT shoes correct version, 8.00.0044, no errors) but still can’t upload any files using Images Manager, after selecting the files, it just shows a rotating wheel. Tried different browsers, different files (jpeg, gif), etc, no luck…if it were a way to manually upload the files directly without using Images Manager, I would use it, but seems Images Manager is the only way.


Your environment has been installed from our installers, manual environment or shared server?

It’s a dedicated host, manual installation. I have full admin rights to the server.

Use firefox and avoid IE (specially any version below IE8).
In firefox disable all plugins (some plugins can interfere) just for testing it or better setup a portable firefox.
I bet it is a linux host. So having done a manual installation you should be able to check the log files. Some linux installations are set pretty tight in means of security.
Maybe you can find the directory to where the files are uploaded (I be it is in the scriptase tmp directory but I am not fully sure for these files).

[QUOTE=rr;36629]Use firefox and avoid IE (specially any version below IE8).
In firefox disable all plugins (some plugins can interfere) just for testing it or better setup a portable firefox.
I bet it is a linux host. So having done a manual installation you should be able to check the log files. Some linux installations are set pretty tight in means of security.
Maybe you can find the directory to where the files are uploaded (I be it is in the scriptase tmp directory but I am not fully sure for these files).[/QUOTE]

Using Firefox makes no difference (tried IE10, Chrome and Firefox).

As for log files (it’s a Linux host, indeed), I dont’ think any Linux log files are goign to show anything…is there any Scriptcase log that I can check?

As for subdirs, all my subdirs are with 777, so no problems there.

Ok since it does not seem to be some javascript thing then there are a few more things to investigate.
1: Is the website working through a tunnel or a proxy?
2: Since you already have access I suggest installing the blueimp jquery file uploader and checking if that one uploads. Do use the proper setup tho. If that one does upload then at least we know that a file upload is possible. You can find it here: alternatively you could use pupload. This is just to verify that it works. If it doesnt work then you can debug these programs easily. Scriptcase uses a normal php upload but since it is zend protected you can not debug it and find why it is going wrong…
3: If you do an upload that appears to be hanging does a filename get created??? Probably an empty file name.

[QUOTE=rr;36710]Ok since it does not seem to be some javascript thing then there are a few more things to investigate.
1: Is the website working through a tunnel or a proxy?
2: Since you already have access I suggest installing the blueimp jquery file uploader and checking if that one uploads. Do use the proper setup tho. If that one does upload then at least we know that a file upload is possible. You can find it here: alternatively you could use pupload. This is just to verify that it works. If it doesnt work then you can debug these programs easily. Scriptcase uses a normal php upload but since it is zend protected you can not debug it and find why it is going wrong…
3: If you do an upload that appears to be hanging does a filename get created??? Probably an empty file name.[/QUOTE]

1: No, my server it’s not working through a tunnel or a proxy.
2: I have Webmin installed on this server, and I can use Webmin’ file manager to upload files perfectly (it uses Javascript), as well as Webmin’ file uplodad, that I think used plain PHP; both are able to upload files without any problem
3: When using scriptcase, nothing gets created in the server

As per your suggestion, tried with plupload; it’s partially working (had to change the upload directory), and it’s uploading the file with a .part fiename (see it in the upload subdir=, and then fails when it has to move the file, with this error: "“Failed to move uploaded file.”…does this ring a bell to you?

Thanks for testing, this is sort of what I expected. I’m not a unix guru but I suspect this is a rights issue. pupload is a fairly simply file uploader (basically). So when it fails to move the file it may be that the webserver process does noet have the proper rights to move the file to its destination (the php file move that gets done using php_move_file function). My guess (and I may be wron in it) is that the webserver runs under a specific set of rights that doesnt allow the file to be moved to it’s destination directory.
You can find that out in detail if you use xdebug to debug the php code, then you can see in detail which code line fails.
Alternatively you could turn on the logging on your server and I mean the syslog.
I’m not a unix user (tho on occasion I do use linux) so you are a bit on your own here…
This may be helpfull:

[QUOTE=rr;36751]Thanks for testing, this is sort of what I expected. I’m not a unix guru but I suspect this is a rights issue. pupload is a fairly simply file uploader (basically). So when it fails to move the file it may be that the webserver process does noet have the proper rights to move the file to its destination (the php file move that gets done using php_move_file function). My guess (and I may be wron in it) is that the webserver runs under a specific set of rights that doesnt allow the file to be moved to it’s destination directory.
You can find that out in detail if you use xdebug to debug the php code, then you can see in detail which code line fails.
Alternatively you could turn on the logging on your server and I mean the syslog.
I’m not a unix user (tho on occasion I do use linux) so you are a bit on your own here…
This may be helpfull:[/QUOTE]

Tks for your suggestions.

Checking error_log, I found this:

PHP Warning: Unknown: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/html/) in Unknown on line 0 with reference to images_manager.php that is part of scriptcase8

Weird thing is, I do have a tmp folder with 777 permissions in /var/www/html, so I don’t know why is saying the restriction from open_basedir is in force. On the other hand, I don’t know why scriptcase is trying to write something on /var/www/html/tmp, when I have it’s system folders, configured with /var/www/html as Web Server’s Documents Root (absolute path) and /scriptcase8/tmp as Temporary Files Folder.

Fixed: added php_admin_value open_basedir none to httpd.conf, in order to disable the PHP open_basedir protection altogether. Still don’t know why Scriptcase writtes outside the allowed subdir, but at least now I have this working.

There is a bug with PHP when you try to execute function like copy in files with “special characters”.
So, unless your OS is configured correctly the PHP will break the file name into something unreadable (For example the file p?o_de_l?.png will become this pão_de_ló.png).

Our system detects this error and create a thumbs at the temp folder so you can preview them inside the manager.
Else you would get a 404 on the image like this -->