SC8 Mobile Form Sample App - has anyone got this working on a phone browser?

On my Blackberry Z10’s browser I try to access the sample app at

It gives me this error message: “Common libs not found: /nm/www/scriptcase08/prod”

When I access via computer or iPad (i.e. wide-screen device) it shows the form in all its glory.

I am trying to assess how well this automatic refitting of forms/ grids works before committing but no joy. Anyone had a different experience?

Safari on iPhone 5s with iOS 7.1.2 => same message
Chrome on this iPhone => show a desktop version from this form

Hi everyone,

Windows 7 PC - Chrome browser - works
Android smartphone - chrome browser version 36.0.1985.128 - same error message “Common libs not found: /nm/www/scriptcase08/prod”


Tried and same error as above. On Iphone 4 safari.


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Please address any issues to our bugs central topic:…-V8-Bugs/page3
