Would like to have the feature to be able to scan barcodes from within the mobile form, for inventory, price checks, ect.
Thanks You
Would like to have the feature to be able to scan barcodes from within the mobile form, for inventory, price checks, ect.
Thanks You
This is more related to device than SC. I’m waiting your approbation on Skype to contact and talk.
You would need to use something like this: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/getusermedia/intro/
Then grab a picture and on the server side (or client side with jscript) analyse the image. Tough thingy to make but doable. The tech level is pretty high…
Thank You, It is basically the route I am taking, but I am using some code for Andriod app with in the application. Laptops or wireless or wired barcode readers is no problem, but on tablets has been a bit tricky. I got pull of this project while I work on a more pressing application which is approaching 500,000 lines of code and it is not complete yet.
This one? https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdid=com.google.zxing.client.android that one does work pretty well even… Via the xzing library