I was getting kicked out every 3 hours from SC, so I tried to change the timeout setting to 0 (zero). It did not work. I then reopened the settings and changed it to 999999. After that program closed and when I reopened it I got this Error: 2025 02 02 17h08 43 - Tinypic
which basically prevented me from running SC anymore.
Tried many things and nothing worked.
I then downloaded recent SC install and installed it (to a different path). Now I have two folders (the old one and the new one). Tried to copy recent project I was working on itno the new SC install but no success. No project show up.
I do backups and have them, but my recent one is from two days ago and in the last two days I worked intensively 10-12 hrs/hay. I am extremelly pissed of just thinking about loosing 2 days work.
Reported problem to Netmake and waiting fortheir response, but it is a weekend and I need to complete few tasks ASAP.
I wonder if anybody knows some trick to restore SC configuration in the old installation folder so I can get the old version working OR how to move the old project folder into a new installation and have SC recognize the projects (or at least the one I am working on).