Scriptcase 8 installation on vps. Linux OS compatibility? Newbie

Greetings and Thank you for any assistance.

I would like to install SC8 on a vps.
I would like to use zpanel as the control panel.

As near as I can figure out, zpanel does not support debian OS and SC8 has ‘issues’ when installed on centos.

What OS should I select for the vps that will allow me to install zpanel and SC8?

One last item, I am a complete novice with vps and linux. Many thanks for providing any help, advice and/or information.

Stu Buck, Phx AZ USA

If you insist on linux I can’t help, on vps windows (plesk/W2012 server) it works like charm. Just install as on your workstation, configure firewall and you’re off.

All of my servers are vps using centos os.

Zpanel works well in centos 6x. i havent tested centos 7x yet so cannot comment.

I have installed sc8 on centos 6.5 and had some issues when version 8 was released. However these were mostly due to zend framework timeouts and are now resolved.

I suggest that you try centos 6.5 + zpanel + sc8 . You may have to play with mysql user permissions to get access to the db’s

Thanks madikonda! Your information is very helpful. I will proceed with the centos + zpanel + sc8 (I did have centos and zpanel setup once, then I starting seeing postings when SC8 was having problems with that configuration).
I’ll follow-up with the results of my “novice attempt”.

Thanks aducom for your insight for windows based vps.

Thanks Again!
Stu Buck, Arizona USA

As near as I can figure out, zpanel does not support debian OS and SC8 has ‘issues’ when installed on centos.