Scriptcase 9.10.17 abruptly crashes and reloads to login screen

Dear Scriptcase,

I recently updated to the latest version of Scriptcase (09.10.17. I am running on PHP 8.1.12. I upgraded from the PHP 7.3x environment on February 28, 2024. I have noted on various occasions that the Scriptcase environment would suddenly crash and restart. I have found that the crash happens when I am saving (or trying to save) a change to code either within an external library or a Scriptcase form of any type.

My first thought is that there is a bug, but there is the possibility that this issue could be related to the internal database that Scriptcase uses to keep track of various entries.

Is there a tool that we can use that can check or re-index the database used to store Scriptcase code?
If there is not a way to do this and then consider a tool/option to perform a check within the Scriptcase Environment?

Thank you!

I think I isolated the issue on 04/22/2024. I was working in Scriptcase editing an External Library:

  1. I saved the changes within the library file
  2. Selected the “Home” tab
  3. Clicked on the “Tasks to be done” yellow box
  4. Scriptcase imediately reset to the login window (a crash per se’).

This happens at variouse times AFTER working in an External Library.

Actually I have it happen outside of external library work. I’ll be saving a change in an app and wham…back to login. Of course I can’t log back in then. I have to reboot. Then go into TablePlus and clear entries in a couple tables. About 80% of the time it lets me back in. The other 20% I have to wait until there is a time out.

I have exactly the same problem in the latest update ( 9.10.017 (6)). I click on a tab thats already there in the IDE and it just crashes to login screen. Its very frustrating as you then lose where you are up to and need to backtrack.

I was able to confirm this as a “bug”. I happen to go into my code and make some changes in the External Library. I saved them. No problem. I wanted to add some notes so instead of clicking on the “To Do” bubble (yellow) I simply clicked on the “ToDo” option to bring up the ToDo panel and then Scriptcase crashes and restarts.

This DOES NOT happen if you log into Scriptcase and go directly to your “ToDo” lists. Somehow it just appears to happen if you work on an External Library and then try to go into “ToDo”.

My thinking is this will be a minor fix for NetMake (but anoying to Developers).