Scriptcase 9.7 before November?

No, I got a notification, I went to see the changelog, I thought it was for version 9.6.018

New features for 9.7 look pretty good.
Fingers crossed!

I see some things from the Todays Presentation.
But the sample app is not uptodate.
Yesterday evening i got the 9.7 release and now the update is offline.
Also the Scriptcase Blog has an expired Lets Encrypt Cert (Expired on Sunday)


Finally no support for php 7.4?

He mentioned on the webinar something about them possibly skipping right to 9.0 support…?

I heard Jamie mention that about PHP 9 on the webinar also… I just hope they get something out the door before the end of the year… I, like others, would prefer to not run on a platform that isn’t receiving Security updates. I don’t even think there is a release date for version 9 on the official PHP page yet… PHP: Supported Versions

They just said they are working on php 8.0 for the next major version, bad news because this sounds like 6 months maybe?

Sorry guys. But the features presented today did not impress me. I simply do not understand why updating PHP did not have the highest prio. Again whisles and bells. Simply bad choices.


I fully agree, the new implementations are ridiculous.
there are priorities that should be respected.

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Regarding the news about PHP 9, I have missed the comment on the webinar, but if the official standpoint of SC is that they will (wait until they can) implement PHP 9, then that must be a hoax. In november version 8.1 will be released (25th if no real issues are found). There is not even a release date for PHP 9 yet. As 7.3 is end-of-life soon, that would be a dramatic choice of SC.

hi Aducom,

you are a forum moderator, so do you know someone in Netmake with whom it is possible to talk and who can collect what are the priorities according to the community?


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I used to have. But the people I was in contact with have been gone or are relocated within the company. I am a moderator as the title suggests, but since this new forum, there is nothing I can moderate. (I am not and have never been associated with SC, am just a customer as anybody here) So it has no meaning for me anymore. I stick around here as I have a double role, one for the university where we use SC extensively and one as Aducom. As Aducom we have moved away from SC into a product of our own.
BTW, Despite my former contacts, I was always told by the representatives that they had no real influence in the policy of the company and that all were ruled by the CEO. I never succeeded in having a conversation with him. It has been said because he only speaks Portuguese. But …


Netmake should manage their product as with open source software and offer a bug reporting tool and request new features.

I have already reported 2-3 easy to integrate features that would already be in place if I used an opensource CMS.


The feature I remember is responsive. If not, have you managed to migrate your SC? since yesterday impossible to control updates

Asking me? No, I haven’t migrated all our applications yet. As Aducom we have a lifetime license and maintain our old projects in Scriptcase. Some of our projects have been migrated already, because our customers demanded a fully responsive solution. For the University it is eminent that we migrate to at least 7.4 because we are not allowed to run on end-of-live environments. Migrating projects to newer versions of SC is only done when most issues are fixed. As this is a major update, it usually takes quite some time before the product is stable, at least that is my experience over the last 10 years.

Se salta a la versión 8.0 la próxima actualización.! Dijo Federico en la presentación

Manual is now updated for SC 9.7 ? Mobile - Scriptcase Manual