Scriptcase cPanel sever installation.

I have a cPanel/WHM server which runs on CentOS.

Can I still install ScriptCase Professional MySQL Edition under apache/htdocs and have it shared across multiple domains on the same server?

The web applications and .htaccess are under /home/domain0/public_html, /home/domain1/public_html etc.

Or should I install it under the public_html folder for each domain. I will be the only developer.


Re: Scriptcase cPanel sever installation.

This depends on the server.
Issues I have run across:
-Required to use FTP deploy.
-Permissions: SC requires _lib to be 777, some shared servers lock down any DIR with 777. This causes problems when using things like file upload fields that need access for the temp file.

I have never had any real luck using shared servers with cpanel type installs myself.
