***Scriptcase fails after the latest update (Feb 4th)


I just applied the latest scriptcase update (Feb 4h) -If I remember, there was about 88 items updated-
Curiously, after relogging and opening my current project, Scriptcase found 44 out of 96 applications to recompile… And I am sure all applications have been successfully recompiled before scriptcase update… Anyhow, i did recompile successfully all applications BUT
When executing the project, the login application now fails so I am now totally blocked in my developments… Message is as follows::
“”"""Call to undefined function perfil_lib() in /opt/NetMake/v8/wwwroot/scriptcase8/app/Oeuvres/MainMenu/MainMenu_form_php.php on line 163""""

Help pls

edit if it can help : when launching the root application from scriptcase, it opens in the same tab as scriptcase (normally, it opens in a new tab) so the browser looses the scriptcase panel!!


Could we make a remote access to check the problem?

Hi John… thanks for you ultra-fast reaction
That’s not easy to answer your remote access request since I am on a local Linux PC. I have to think about the easiest way to allow through internet . but can’t do in one minute .
Anyhow… I did some additional checks :
1a) The recruitment tracker demo application is working…
1b) I did have to recompile since may of apps where show as outdated
1c) It however opens in the same tab as scriptcase development instead of a new tab

2a) When launching my project… the home panel opens (a menu -which will be always shows) and a welcome page)… the menu has only 2 choices : home or login… Whatever I click on (home or login) its fails with the same error message (see above)
2b) if I execute an application (not the main one which is mainmenu app) it works -at least as far as it can since I shortcut the login and the menu!!!-

—This is why I believe the failure comes from my mainmenu application.—
so… should you need more infos, i can provide a backup of this app… may be we should go private till it is solved, not to jeopardize the forum

Gilles Bonnet

Hi again… Problem solved
If anybody hits the same problem here is the application bug (not a scriptcase bug)

I missed to initialize a global variable [usr_login] used in the dynamic mainmenu
So using this variable in an sql sentence before it has been set to blank makes some trouble and clicking a menu entry leads to the error…
What is “funny” is that now scriptcase execute the application in a new tab!!!

I believe that the latest scriptcase patches did some clean changes about global variables and some poor guys have been trapped in!

Hope this help others… sorry for the inconvenience Mr Bug Tracking Team

Gilles Bonnet