Scriptcase has a very strange behavoir

I get on every step in developing in SC an error message. Also in new projects and new forms etc…
Second Ajax events donot work anymore.
There are many other things to mention.
For me I comming on a critical point of working with SC, because I hate the bugs and even worse my customers are waiting and donot accept it anymore.
Why does SC does not pay attention to forum?

Please debug asap…

Regards Bert

Bert, I’m pretty sure that something has been messed up in your SC instance. I do have issues with bugs as everybody here, but not in an extend that nothing works, and to be honest we create pretty huge applications with thousands of users and have no real issues. No showstoppers for sure.
I have set a post out for SC management and I advise you to send an email to bugs at I hope those two will come together so SC devs might look into your case. But since it’s weekend, I for sure would have done a fresh installation on another engine to see if that would solve my problem. Create a full backup (to be sure), export your applications, install a fresh sc and import your applications. If that doesn’t help than somehow one of your apps is messing things up, but I think that’s for SC to investigate.

Try to set “Yes” on the “Use Title” your “select” field.

Yes, after complete reinstallation everything is ok…thanks


The problem continues?
Can you explain more the problem?
if possible, send images for we understand better.

Good day for all.

Best regard,
Netmake team.

[QUOTE=Artur Oliveira;37424]Hello,

The problem continues?
Can you explain more the problem?
if possible, send images for we understand better.

Good day for all.

Best regard,
Netmake team.[/QUOTE]

appearantly the issues are gone. Tnx for support.

b.r. Albert